Dear Parents and Confirmation Candidates,
More than two thousand years ago, the first Confirmation class met in a small crowded upper room in Jerusalem. “And when the day of Pentecost had come…there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit”.
And now your child’s own journey toward Confirmation begins! The Sacrament of Confirmation is a wonderful gift that completes the work of grace God started in your child at their Baptism. Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, your son or daughter will be more perfectly united to the Church and Jesus Christ and given a special strengthening of the Holy Spirit, just like the Apostles and Mary at Pentecost, empowering them to better spread and defend the Gospel through their words and deeds. This strengthening of the Holy Spirit is necessary for us as Christians to live life “to the full” as Jesus wants for us.
This period of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is important for you and your son or daughter. One of the biggest complaints I hear from youth ministers, Priests, and parents, is that after Confirmation teens seem to drift away from the Church. It doesn’t have to be this way. The more reverence, respect, and preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation we model as parents, the more our children will learn the power and importance of this Sacrament and our Catholic Faith.
We hope to see you and your child soon. Please let us know about your interest by filling in the application form below. We start off on in September . Please join us and let us go on a journey travelling through the experience of faith together. We will be praying for you and walking with you on this journey! See you on board.
The Confirmation Team.
2 Bristol Road, Brighton, tel: 01273 087839,
[For those in Year 10 or above in Secondary School]
Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Christian Initiation, along with Baptism and the Eucharist.
Most of us were Baptised as babies or infants, and then made our First Communion as young children. Young adults are invited to become fully adult members of the Church by receiving the Holy Spirit and publicly confirming their commitment to be active followers of Jesus Christ. This is a serious commitment and involves a programme of preparation meetings and activities over many months.
But like anything that brings great returns, it’s worth the effort!
Please fill in and submit the form below, and we will be in touch with further details of the programme.
You will be asked to bring photocopies of your Baptism Certificate (which you can obtain from the church of Baptism if necessary) and if available your First Holy Communion certificate to our first meeting.